Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hyde Act and Karat Pact

I don't understand why our so-called leftist are always against USA in each and every thing. They see "CIA hand" in Kanichukulanga kootakola (massacre), and "Smarajythua shakthikal" (Imperial Forces) behind Thangamani case and even see US secret agents in Moonar. Whom are they trying to make fools saying all these. ? Do they think they are the only intelligent creatures alive?

Comrades, This is 2008, Indian mass is much more educated than what you think. They no more can be made to belive that US congress and Congress party are associates because of similarity in name. You may teach though in your party classes.. CIAs of the world has much better jobs to do, rather than to worry about "CPI and M in Kerala", you are so belittled that you pose no threat to them. Keep your eyes open, and try to come out of that self made hutch at times to look at yourself just to realizes that what a fool you have made of you!

I don't buy that they are supporting Chinese interests as many opines, because they don't have the class and ability to think in such high terms. I don't see any affinity to Chinese in them. Moreover China has embraced the capitalist approach long ago and booming towards a developed economy.

Some one told that we should not associate with Bush and US as they have blood of Iraq on their hand, he comfortably forgot the fact that the whole world knows about communist massacres. The communist and has never been a Messiah of peace and non-violence, instead they have been mercenary killers around the world.
Remember the graves at Katyn, Red Army in Nemmersdorf , Khmer Rouge, Tiananmen Square, Tibet and Nandigram ?

Ideology of communism was great in the long past, but there were so many pit falls in the theory of classes. Marx's and Engels' of the world saw only economic factors for a social life, where as its only one constituent of the whole human society.

There is an ever growing energy demands all over the world and more economies have raised questions on the impact of global energy availability.

This country needs Energy, nuke or anything, and when some one is doing something about it, its atrocious to play pressure tactics. It would have been more productive and positive if Left parties suggested practically-possible alternatives rather than vehemently opposing it. Debate should have been more on capping third party liabilities, establishing the liability pool for protection of US etc. We need this agreement help us to fulfill our soaring energy demands and to enter into a strategic partnership with the US.

People would cheer for the leaders who unite for a common cause, prosperity. This country deserves a better class of politician, and not criminals. Politics doesn't means to solely disagree, at times when its in the best interest of people, there should be some consensus. The world cannot live the way Marx or Engels envisioned, they weren't God, and more over the society and system has changed a lot since after 1894. What was scientific socialism in 1890's is now Utopian socialism. What so ever its, how many Desi Comrades belive in communist system, most of them are just part of it for the profits of it.

Any way its a good decision to stay off the allience if you disagree, rather than to do a "Dog in the haystack" , four years is a long time playing that.
Let some one do a good job..

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